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Technology Allows Our Clients to Continue Training

An iPhone with the word Zoom on the screen

Carol is a senior who attends a low vision support group in Hometown. In January, Cody began traveling down to their meeting site to teach Carol and several other group members how to use their iPhones to increase their independence.

They started with the basics — learning to use VoiceOver and gestures to operate the phone when they can't see the screen.They covered navigating the web and browsing websites. And they learned to use Siri.

They also covered accessing podcasts and Disney+, lessons they had just completed before the stay-at-home order went into effect.

The group lessons had to stop, but Carol didn't want to stop learning. So she and Cody have continued training, connecting by phone and using FaceTime.

Carol has used this time to learn to manage her contacts list on her phone and to use the phone as a tool to dictate notes — from creating a grocery list to keeping track of her appointments.  She also learned to use the Seeing AI app to convert text to speech. This allows her to read her own mail, check the labels on food packaging and read any other text.

Her new goal is to learn to use Zoom to keep in contact with her family and friends. Go Carol!


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white iPhone with a blank screen laying on top of a white computer keyboard.

Mark Won't Let Vision Loss End His Dream

Mark has a goal. He wants to construct affordable housing for people with disabilities in Chicago.

He also has vision loss that continues to take more of his sight. 

He was faithfully attending his weekly computer training lessons with Joe before the stay-at-home order. He accepted the fact the he could no longer use magnification and had to learn to use a screen-reader. And, he wasn't going to let a pandemic stop his training.

Mark and Joe have continued training remotely, using their phones, as Mark learns to use JAWS, a screen-reading program, to navigate the Web when he can’t see the screen. This is a complicated process, as Joe has to carefully listen to what JAWS is saying while Mark uses his computer. That is the only way he can tell if Mark is using the wrong key commands.

Mark is also learning to use Excel to organize his research and Word to write letters requesting funding.

It is a lot of training, but then, his goal is ambitious. And, you will help him achieve it.


Second Sense
65 E Wacker Place, Suite 1010 | Chicago, Illinois  60601
312-582-2983 | cheryl.megurdichian@second-sense.org

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